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Electricity Companies carry out work on private land on a daily, and sometimes nightly, basis.


Whilst this is an essential service, it must not be at the expense of the land owner who is affected by such works.


Their work can often involve heavy machinery which causes severe damage to land, ditches, fences, land drains, hedges, track ways and woodland.


Companies will often try to effect repairs themselves but this is not normally to the standard the land owner requires. BLB Utilities can manage damage claims on behalf of land owners, thereby ensuring that the property is restored to its original condition or agree appropriate compensation.


The earlier we are instructed the better, hopefully before the works are started. BLB Utilities have experience in agreeing a Statement of Condition report prior to the scheme starting, thereby ensuring that everything is noted and there can be no conflict over reinstatement works.


If you are concerned about work which needs to be undertaken on your land, please contact us to see how we can help.

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